additional restrictions in Europe



France 2

Article written by

J. Gasparutto, M.-C. Ide, B. Catride, F. Peeters – France 2

France Televisions

Advanced holidays, outdoor activities prohibited for unvaccinated people … In Germany as in Belgium, additional measures were taken on Friday December 3 to fight against the progression of the Omicron variant.

In Belgium, the problem is the same as in France: the classes are closing one after the other because of Covid cases. Hence the decision to bring the school holidays forward, explains Julien Gasparutto, live from Brussels. In fact, it is now children who transmit the virus the most. “It should have been done much sooner”, comments a passer-by in Belgium. Another measure: indoor events will be limited to 200 people.

Belgium is not alone in imposing new restrictions. German hospitals are also facing a delicate situation, with almost full intensive care units. A situation which has led the government to deprive unvaccinated people of outside activity. On the Norwegian side, wearing a mask has once again become the norm in all public places in Oslo.

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