add this nectar to your desserts and meats

Whether acacia, lavender or mountain, honey is known for its delicacy and its beauty properties. Depending on the variety, it can taste more or less floral, spicy, fruity or even woody. In any case, its taste is intense and unique. Thus, it flavors many desserts, but also savory dishes! France bleu offers you to use honey in all your dishes with original and gourmet recipes.

What are the benefits of honey?

Honey has several dietary benefits. In addition to being a good sugar, that is to say a natural unmodified or refined sugar, it is very energetic. Rich in trace elements such as magnesium, zinc or potassium, it is therefore considered a complete food. In addition, honey strengthens the immune system thanks to its antibacterial action!

Why aren’t all honeys the same color?

There are two main families of honey: monofloral and polyfloral honeys. Some honeys are made from a single flower or plant species, while others are made from different types of flowers. And it is these flowers that have a role in the color of honey. This is why acacia honey will be pale yellow, while pine honey will be rather brown.

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