Adaptation to road conditions | The SQ warns motorists

(Montreal) The Sûreté du Québec (SQ) warns that its police officers could issue tickets if they observe that the speed of a motorist is not adapted to road conditions, even if the limit indicated on the traffic signs signage is respected.

The warning is issued as winter approaches, a time of year when it is important to adapt driving to climatic and road conditions. Some regions of Quebec have also received significant snowfall in recent days.

The SQ reminds that article 330 of the Highway Safety Code stipulates that the driver must reduce his speed when visibility conditions are made insufficient due to darkness, fog, rain or precipitation or when the roadway is slippery or partially clear. Violators face a minimum fine of $60, in addition to costs, and two demerit points on their driving record.

The Highway Safety Code also states that users must clear snow from their vehicles and ensure that the windshield, windows, headlights, lights and license plate are free of ice and snow.

Failure to respect these safety rules increases the risk of collision and constitutes a danger for the driver, but also for all other users on the road, according to the Sûreté du Québec. A minimum fine of $100 in addition to costs may be imposed on offenders under section 281 of the Code.

The police also remind that vehicle owners have until 1er December to equip them with winter tires which must display the pictogram representing a mountain on which a snowflake is overexposed. The SQ claims that using winter tires in good condition reduces a vehicle’s braking distance by 25% in winter.

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