“Actually, I don’t know him”, the mother of Cedric Jubillar made the worst discovery for a mother…

If Cédric Jubillar is the main suspect in the case concerning the disappearance of his wife, the members of the family of the young man will also have been splashed. This is particularly the case of Nadine F., the craftsman’s mother. Far from defending her child body and soul, the latter has often doubted him. In particular the day she contacted a clairvoyance service claiming to be “ persuaded of guilt ” of his son. The reason ? Shortly before the terrible night of December 15, 2020, Louis and Elyah’s dad said he wanted to murder his wife.

A threat that cannot be ignored in such circumstances. Important witness to the investigation, Nadine F. oscillates between doubt and support for Cédric Jubillar. Recently heard by the people in charge of the file, she declared that she no longer knew what to think. Indeed, this case will have pushed the grandmother to make terrible discoveries about the personality of her son. France Info revealed, this Thursday, March 31, 2022, the remarks that she was able to make during her last hearing.

Nadine F. confirms that Cédric Jubillar had a lot of trouble accepting “ that Delphine wants a divorce “. She ” was afraid “of his son’s reaction” if he found out she had a lover “. For her, it was not impossible that he freaks out, that he starts breaking everything in the house… “Words that highlight the violent and aggressive behavior of the main suspect. Lolita E., cousin of Delphine Jubillar, had already referred to the victim’s husband’s outbursts of anger. But if the father of the family could be brutal, both in words and in gestures, with his wife, it was the same with his two children.

“I realize that in fact my son, I don’t know him. I thought he was an ideal man, husband and father. For me, he was industrious, hard-working, frank. Eventually I find out just the opposite. “, finally dropped Nadine F. in front of the investigating judges. For the moment, the investigation continues…


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