The 65-year-old actress said she lost half her money ‘because of this bank affair’ at the Women’s Cancer Research Fund breast cancer charity event
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Actress Sharon Stone asked guests to donate more money, saying it takes courage because she “lost half of my money because of this bank affair”.
A statement made the day after the closure in the United States of Silicon Valley Bank by the American authorities, on March 10, after having shaken up the entire banking sector on the world markets. The panic movement had started after this American bank sought to raise capital quickly to deal with massive withdrawals.
During this evening organized for the benefit of the Women’s Cancer Research Fund, the actress, who received the Courage Award, talked about his fight against the breast cancer : “I went to the hospital saying, ‘If you cut me open and it’s cancer, please take both of my breasts because I’m not a person defined by my breasts. It may seem funny coming from me since you’ve seen them all”.