Actress Louisette Dussault has died

Actress Louisette Dussault, who enjoyed a long and prolific career in theater and television, died Tuesday at the age of 82.

The agency IXION Communications confirmed in the evening the death of the one who remained The green mousea cult role she played from 1964 to 1971, in the eyes of an entire generation.

In a press release, the agency pointed out that “this great lady of the theater” died around 4 p.m. on Tuesday, surrounded by her daughters.

Shortly after the announcement, the Premier of Quebec, François Legault, reacted on Twitter. “Farewell to our green mouse. Only great souvenirs. Thank you, “he simply wrote, before offering his condolences to the family and loved ones of the actress.

Born into a family of musicians from Thetford-Mines, Louisette Dussault has enjoyed an impressive career in theater, radio, film and television.

On stage, she was part of the collective “La Nef des Sorcières”, in 1976, and performed in the play The fairies are thirsty, in 1978, two works where she was able to demonstrate her feminist commitment. She was also part of the cast of The sisters-in-law in 1984.

For more than 20 years, she toured Quebec with her solo show Moman, which was presented more than 500 times between 1979 and 2000 in the province and elsewhere in the world. This show earned him distinctions in France, Spain and Algeria.

On the small screen, his roles in The green mouse — more than 700 episodes — and Marilyn — more than 400 episodes, from 1991 to 1994, which earned him nominations for the Gémeaux awards — also left their mark on the Quebec imagination. More recently, we could see her in the series Trauma And The Black Dog Inn.

“Louisette had a life filled with her work, which fulfilled her. She was also very proud of her two daughters, Ève and Paule, and loved spending time with her seven grandchildren. Her charisma, her lively energy, her strong personality and her involvement in all artistic spheres will remain in the memory of all those who had the chance to meet her,” the agency IXION Communications underlined in its press release.

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