actress describes three days of domestic abuse in Australia

“All I felt was this pain”. During the 15th day defamation lawsuit brought by Johnny Depp, theAmerican actress Amber Heard described the abuse allegedly inflicted on her by her ex-husband on Thursday, May 5. His testimony notably extended to a stay in Australia during which his companion, with rage increased tenfold by alcohol and drugs, subjected him to violence going as far as rape.

At the helm, the 36-year-old actress explained that she joined Johnny Depp in March 2015 in Australia, a month after their marriage. But shortly after his arrival, an argument suddenly breaks out. “He started screaming”, did she say. He then threw bottles and cans at her, grabbed her by the neck, threatened to disfigure her with a broken bottle, banged her against a wall and then tore off her nightgown.

“I’m against the wall and he’s screaming at me that he hates me, that I ruined his life”she told the hearing, unable to hold back her tears. “He told me ‘Fuck, I’m going to kill you'”, before pushing a bottle of alcohol into her vagina. She claims to have remained motionless because she did not know “if the bottle with which he [l]‘had penetrated was broken’.

The comedian also claimed that Johnny Depp, under the influence of cannabis and alcohol, kicked her on a private plane between Boston and Los Angeles in 2014.“I loved this man so much but he was so toxic, I couldn’t stop him from hitting me”, she explained to justify staying with Johnny Depp despite the violence. The couple then started couples therapy, without success. The actress filed a complaint for domestic violence in May 2016, charges which had been dropped during the divorce proceedings concluded in early 2017. “a million promises to heal and get sober”Johnny Depp regularly relapsed into drugs and alcohol, she explained.

The 58-year-old actor listened carefully to his ex-wife, while avoiding her gaze as much as possible. Johnny Depp is seeking $50 million in damages from his ex-wife. He accuses him of having ruined his reputation and his career after having affirmed in December 2018 a platform in the washington post that she had suffered domestic violence in 2016, without citing her former husband. The actor denies having ever raised his hand on Amber Heard and assures that it was her who was violent. He admitted to heavy drug and alcohol use, which he claims to have been under control most of the time. The actress has counter-attacked and claims 100 million dollars. She is due to continue her testimony when the trial resumes on May 16.

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