Actress Charlotte Valandrey dies aged 53



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Wednesday July 13, Charlotte Valandrey died at the age of 53. The actress had confided to being HIV-positive since she was 18 years old.

Actress Charlotte Valandrey died at the age of 53 on Wednesday July 13. It was at the age of 17 that the general public discovered her, in 1985, in Rouge Baiser, a film in which she was devoted. He was then destined for a career à la Sophie Marceau. But a year later, a few days before she turned 18, she learned that she had contracted HIV. She disclosed her HIV status in 2005 in a book. Since that release, film submissions had dwindled.

The actress struggled, wrote three books and starred in TV shows, all while having to live with a weary heart. In 2003, Charlotte Valandrey had recourse to a transplant and became the first HIV-positive heart transplant recipient in France. According to his family, another heart, transplanted in emergency on June 14, would not have held.

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