actress Annabelle Lengronne targeted by racist insults in Dax

Actress Annabelle Lengronne has decided to file a complaint after an assault in the streets of Dax (Landes), early Tuesday, December 28. In a scene that she filmed and then broadcast on social networks, we see a man preferring racist insults while quoting Eric Zemmour, presidential candidate. “Zemmour he looks at you, he brings you back to your country“do we hear, then:”I don’t like blacks and Arabs, come back to your dirty country.“The lawyer for the actress, master Hosni Maati, contacted by France Bleu Gascogne, specifies having sent to the prosecutor’s office of Dax a complaint with the constitution of civil party for insult of a racial nature and sexist contempt. Joined this Tuesday evening, the prosecutor’s office of Dax says he has not registered a complaint at this stage and makes no comment.

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The 34-year-old actress, who starred in The Kaira, The dream Team Where Girls of joy, is these days in Dax to visit his family on the occasion of the end of the year celebrations. Monday evening, she decides to go to a bar in Dacquois with a friend. It was then that they met a group of young boys, who invite them to continue the evening at the home of one of them. They accept and all go to an apartment in downtown Dax. Everything was going very well, but it was when they wanted to leave the apartment, around 3:30 a.m., that tensions arose, according to master Hosni Maati. One of the boys offers to take Annabelle Lengronne home, which she refuses. She “replies that she will do without him but he insists heavily and goes down with her in the street“, according to the lawyer. It is at this time that Annabelle Lengronne decides to film the scene. In a short excerpt posted on the social networks of the actress (Instagram and Facebook), we see this man uttering racist insults. “These are extremely degrading words, the goal is to seek to humiliate him“denounces Hosni Maati. He specifies that his client, very shocked, does not wish to speak publicly on this affair and simply wants that”justice be done“.

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