Actress and singer Eva-Maria Hagen, mother of punk icon Nina Hagen, dies at 87

“Our beloved Eva-Maria Hagen left the earthly world to join her eternal homeland on August 16, 2022”told AFP the agent of his daughter, the icon of German punk Nina Hagen.

Born in Kolczyn, Poland on October 19, 1934, Eva-Maria Hagen made her debut in 1953 in the play Katzgrabenwritten and directed by the German playwright Bertolt Brecht at the prestigious Berliner Ensemble theatre, later adapted for the cinema.

She becomes one of the most popular actresses in East Germany, especially after the success of the romantic comedy Vergesst mir meine Traudel nicht (Don’t forget my little Traudel), produced in 1957 by the state-owned DEFA. The film tells the story of a young war orphan who falls in love with a policeman. In addition to the theatre, the one often nicknamed the “Brigitte Bardot of the GDR”, has distinguished herself in more than 50 films.

Married for five years to the author Hans Olivia-Hagen, she has a daughter, Nina, born in 1955, before her divorce, and subsequently binds to the composer critical of the eastern regime Wolf Biermann. When the GDR authorities stripped him of his East German nationality, Eva-Maria Hagen and her daughter also fell into disgrace and were banned from practicing their profession.

The family left the GDR in 1977 to settle in West Berlin. Eva-Maria Hagen then embarked on a second career, mixing theater and now also singing, which she pursued until after the fall of the Wall in reunited Germany in the early 1990s.

His daughter Nina, with extravagant and provocative stage appearances, has become one of the great figures of the German punk scene. His career mixes scandals, militancy, spirituality and esotericism. Nina Hagen’s daughter, Cosma Shiva Hagen, often appeared in public alongside her mother and grandmother, has also embarked on an acting career.

A video of mother and daughter singing “Where have all the flowers gone?” by Pete Seeger

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