actor Vincent Lindon will chair the jury for the 75th edition

Last year, he was on the bill for the Palme d’Or, Titanium. Actor Vincent Lindon will preside over the jury at the 75th Cannes Film Festival, from May 17 to 28, organizers announced on Tuesday April 26. He is the first Frenchman to play this role since Isabelle Huppert in 2009. He succeeds American director Spike Lee.

“It is an immense honor and a great pride to be entrusted, in the midst of the tumult of the multiple events that we are going through in the world, with the splendid and heavy task of presiding over the Jury of the 75th Cannes International Film Festival”reacted Vincent Lindon.

During the Closing Ceremony on May 28, the winner of the Best Actor Award in 2015 will award the Palme d’Or to one of the 21 films in competition, surrounded by eight jurors. Among them, the Swedish actress Noomi Rapace (Millennium) and Iranian directors Asghar Farhadi (A hero, Everybody Knows), and Norwegian Joachim Trier (Julie (in 12 chapters), Oslo, August 31). Jeff Nichols, American screenwriter and director (Take Shelter, Midnight Special), Ladj Ly, French director, screenwriter, actor and producer (Wretched), Indian actress Deepika Padukone, Italian actress-director Jasmine Trinca (The Son’s Room) and finally the American-British actress, producer, screenwriter and director Rebecca Hall, complete this 75th jury.

This announcement comes at the end of a long suspense: usually, the president of the jury is known at the beginning of the year, with the jury unveiled a few weeks before the Festival. With the restart of post-pandemic cinema and the rise of series, “all artists work”underlined in mid-April Thierry Frémaux, the general delegate of the Festival, to justify this jostled calendar.

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