Actor Michael Madsen arrested and handcuffed a month after his son’s suicide

Actor Michael Madsen was arrested by police this Wednesday, February 23 at his home in Malibu, announced the DailyMail. He was arrested barely a month after the death of his son in Hawaii.

The Los Angeles County Police Sheriff said the 64-year-old actor was handcuffed at 9 p.m. Michael Madsen, known for his collaborations with Quentin Tarantino, wore wide Levi’s jeans, a Harley Davidson jacket and a loosely buttoned Hawaiian shirt as he walked out of his house with his hands tied behind his back (see photos here). The police dropped him off at West Hills Hospital before transferring him to the police station. He was released at 7 a.m. after paying $500 (450 euros) in bail. It was originally believed that a neighboring landlord complained about Michael Madsen in the evening before finally contacting the police. No party has given any information at this time. This altercation between the police and the star of Reservoir Dogs therefore comes about a month after the death of Hudson, the actor’s 26-year-old son. The thesis of the suicide was confirmed by the authorities.

Michael Madsen had published a text paying tribute to his son at the end of January. “I am in shock because my son, with whom I had spoken a few days earlier, told me that he was happy. My last message from him was: I love you daddy” explained Michael Madsen to the Los Angeles Times on Wednesday. He added that he “had never seen any signs of depressionHe finally concludes:It’s so tragic and sad. I’m trying to make sense of it all and understand what happened, the actor explained in a public letter, he had normal financial plans in life, but he wanted a family. He was looking to the future so it’s so amazing. I really can’t understand what happened.”

The bad patch therefore continues for the actor, who has experienced addiction problems in the past. In addition to Hudson, Michael Madsen had four other sons and one daughter.

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