Actor Kevin Spacey denies new sexual assault accusations

(London) The American actor has denied new accusations of sexual assault ahead of the broadcast next week of a documentary which brings together the testimonies of several men denouncing the behavior of the star towards them.

In this documentary, entitled Spacey Unmasked which will be broadcast in two parts next Monday and Tuesday on the British channel Channel 4, ten men testify to inappropriate acts of the actor.

Last year, the star of House Of Cardstwice Oscar winner for her roles in American Beauty And Usual Suspectswas exonerated in a resounding trial in London after accusations of sexual assault by four men.

In an interview with British journalist Dan Wootton, formerly of the GB News channel, and published on the internet before the broadcast of the documentary, Kevin Spacey denied any illegal behavior.

“I take full responsibility for my past behavior and actions, but I cannot and will not take responsibility or apologize to anyone who made things up about me or exaggerated stories about me », he says in this video of more than an hour and a half.

He admits to having had sexual relations with men “who thought they were advancing their careers by having a relationship with me”, but “I never told anyone that I would help them in their career in exchange for favors “sexual,” he firmly defends himself, accusing the channel of having left him only seven days to give his version of facts which for some go back almost 50 years.

Also accused of sexual assault in the United States, Kevin Spacey was found not guilty in 2022 by a New York civil court. And in 2019, charges were dropped in another case.

These accusations, which emerged at the time of the #metoo movement, put an end to the career of the actor, then at the height of his glory, lead performer in the hit Netflix series House of Cards.

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