Actor James Franco has been cast as Fidel Castro in a film about his rebellious daughter

While he is accused of harassment as well as sexual assault, American actor James Franco will play Fidel Castro in “Alina de Cuba”, an independent film about the Cuban leader’s “rebellious daughter”.

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France Televisions

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“The director wanted someone who physically resembles Fidel Castro and who has his charisma”, told AFP John Martinez O’Felan, the film producer Alina from Cuba about Fidel Castro’s rebellious daughter. He said he finally decided to approach James Franco after being interested in the profile of several actors of Latin American or Iberian origin.

This will be the second appearance in a production for the 44-year-old actor since he was reported for harassment as well as sexual assault in 2018. James Franco has been accused by four former students of his acting school of having them assaulted during nude scenes. During an interview last December, the actor, who was nominated for an Oscar in 2011 for the film 127 hoursadmitted to having had sexual relations with some of his female students.

Alina from Cuba will be directed by Miguel Bardem, cousin of Spanish actor Javier Bardem. It will be filmed in Colombia from August 15, said John Martínez O’Felan. Ana Villafañe will play Alina Fernandez, the daughter of Castro and Natalia Revuelta Clews, played by Argentine Mia Maestro. Alina Fernández, 66, has lived in exile since the 1990s. Based in Miami, the opponent of the Cuban revolution is the author of the autobiographical book Fidel my father: Confessions of Castro’s rebellious daughter.

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