Actor Donald Sutherland dies | The Press

(Los Angeles) Donald Sutherland, eclectic actor notably known for The Dirty Dozen or his role as dictator in Hunger Gamesdied at the age of 88, his son Kiefer Sutherland announced Thursday.

“It is with a heavy heart that I announce the death of my father,” the British-Canadian, also an actor, announced on X, saluting “one of the most important actors in the history of cinema” .

In more than 50 years of career and some 200 films, Donald Sutherland has established himself as a chameleon actor, capable of playing great cinema villains, antiheroes or romantic characters.

The Canadian received an honorary Oscar for his entire career in 2017.

“He was never intimidated by a role, whether good, bad or ugly,” his son added. “He loved what he did and did what he loved, and you couldn’t ask for anything more.” A life well lived. »

After starring in cult British series like Bowler hat and leather bootsDonald Sutherland had obtained his first major role in 1967 in The Dirty Dozenwith Charles Bronson.

His slender silhouette, his absent air and his enigmatic smiles ensure his charisma and singularity.

Other hits include the anti-militarist farce MAS H. (1970) and the thriller Klute (1971) where he plays a private detective in search of a perverse killer who threatens a call girl played by Jane Fonda.

Fellini also gave him the role of Casanova in 1977.

More recently, he distinguished himself as President Coriolanus Snow, the cruel dictator of Panem, tormentor of Jennifer Lawrence in Hunger Games.

Tribute from Justin Trudeau

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau regretted the passing of this “proud Canadian,” “a great actor who worked in the international film industry for many decades.” “It’s a very sad moment, I think of Kiefer and the whole Sutherland family, but I also think of the community of artists across the country who have lost another great one today,” he said. reacted on the sidelines of an announcement in Nova Scotia on Thursday afternoon.

He recalled a meeting with Donald Sutherland when he was a young man. “I was totally in awe. He had an impressive presence, and he exercised his art brilliantly,” said the Prime Minister, who learned of the artist’s death while he was at the lectern.

With Mélanie Marquis, The Press

Donald Sutherland in five films

Canadian Donald Sutherland has starred in nearly 200 films and series with talented directors like Fellini (Casanova), Altman (Mr. AS H.) or Oliver Stone (JFK). The polymorphous actor, who had a prolific end to his career, received an honorary Oscar in 2017.

1. Mr. ASH (1970)


Donald Sutherland and Elliott Gould in MASH

This antimilitarist farce by Robert Altman reveals Donald Sutherland who, three years earlier, had already participated in the Twelve bastardsa pacifist firefight directed by Robert Aldrich released during the Vietnam War.

Three young surgeons, including Donald Sutherland, are going to wreak havoc on an American army base in Korea. Sent to treat the wounded, the three men, fans of women and alcohol, will participate in this cruel war with joy and good humor.

MASH earned Donald Sutherland, himself a peace activist, a Golden Globe nomination.

2. Klute (1971)



In this atmospheric thriller, Donald Sutherland plays John Klute, a mysterious private detective, who sets out to find a man who has disappeared under strange circumstances. On his trail, he meets Jane Fonda, an unusual prostitute, harassed on the phone by a sex maniac. The actress, his companion at the time, received an Oscar and a Golden Globe for this role.

3. Casanova (1977)



He was not his first choice, but Federico Fellini ended up choosing Donald Sutherland to embody his vision of the “soulless, meaningless” seducer.

The director hated Casanova and the Canadian actor initially served as a release. He powders him, makes him up, shaves him to enlarge his forehead and transform him into an obscene puppet.

But ultimately, the actor, under the capricious charm of the director, confided to Release that “the filming was in fact like a long lovemaking”. At the end, “he gave me a gold watch with these words engraved: “With all my love, Federico”. I could have ended my career at that point. »

4. JFK (1991)


Kevin Costner and Donald Sutherland in JFK

In the investigation into the assassination of American President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, a prosecutor goes further than the truth given by the authorities. Sutherland plays the role of Mister X, the mysterious anonymous source who provides crucial information about the president’s entourage.

Oliver Stone’s film was a great success, garnering 16 nominations and five awards (Oscars, Golden Globes and Baftas), but none for Sutherland.

5. Hunger Games (2012-2015)


Hunger Games

Donald Sutherland plays President Coriolanus Snow, cruel dictator of “Panem”, a nation born from the ashes of postapocalyptic North America, in Hunger Games. He excels as the relentless tormentor of heroine Jennifer Lawrence.

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