Shortly before Tuesday, climate activists had disrupted the business aviation lounge held not far from the runways.
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A new action to alert on the climate emergency. Climate activists occupied part of the tarmac at Geneva International Airport (Switzerland) on Tuesday (May 23rd), forcing airport authorities to briefly halt air traffic, Geneva Airport announced. “Due to an incursion of people on the tarmac, air traffic is temporarily interrupted at Genève Aéroport”, we read on the Twitter account of the airport. Traffic has resumed “gradually from 12:40 p.m.”according to the same source.
Shortly before, climate activists had disrupted the business aviation lounge held not far from the runways. Around 100 climate activists from Greenpeace, Stay Grounded, Extinction Rebellion, Scientist Rebellion and other climate movement groups from 17 countries disrupted the European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE), Europe’s largest trade show selling private jets.
Images posted by activists on Twitter show them unfurling banners sitting at the foot of planes, or blocking entry into the cabin. They demand a ban on private jets, says a statement from Greenpeace.
The demonstrators also affixed stickers on the planes resembling the warning messages on cigarette packets. A way of “identify them as toxic objects”with slogans warning that “private jets are burning our future”, “killing our planet” And “fuel inequalities”, specifies the press release