Activist Sophie Tissier filed a complaint for “sexual harassment” against Eric Coquerel

She says she felt like “prey” facing the elected official, during an evening organized in 2014 in Grenoble (Isère).

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Sophie Tissier filed a complaint with the police for “sexual harassment” against LFI deputy Eric Coquerel, Monday July 4, franceinfo learned from the person concerned, confirming information from BFMTV and Europe 1. The complaint was filed in a police station in Vanves, in the Hauts-de-Seine.

Sophie Tissier already claimed to have already filed a pre-complaint online and made a report to the sexual violence monitoring committee of La France insoumise as to the “unacceptable behavior” of the deputy. On franceinfo, she said that during a party in 2014, Eric Coquerel had touched her until she touched her buttocks, before sending her insistent text messages. “It was horrible and I was very uncomfortable. I knew Eric Coquerel had an important position and I didn’t really know how to react.”

>> Accusations against Eric Coquerel: “I felt like I was dealing with a predator”, describes activist Sophie Tissier

The facts allegedly occurred in 2014, during a party at the Left Party’s summer university in Grenoble (Isère). “Little by little, there were inappropriate gestures, wandering hands, sticking to me. I told him, I made comments, he took it as a joke, he continued”she said. Eric Coquerel, for his part, denied the accusations made against him in a column published in the Sunday newspaper. “I am waiting to be heard, for Eric Coquerel to perhaps recognize these behaviorssaid Sophie Tissier on Sunday. If he continues to deny, I will go to the complaint because it is worth it.”

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