An environmentalist group says it deflated the tires of dozens of SUVs overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday in Montreal to denounce the growing sale of “energy-intensive and polluting” vehicles. »
“War on tank culture”, “SUVs put out of action”: last night, the activist group Climate Rage punctured the tires of dozens of vehicles parked in the Outremont borough, in Montreal.
“We are responding to the call for disruptive action from Climate Rage Week, which aims to put forward a radical, anti-oppressive, anti-colonial and anti-capitalist ecology,” said an activist in a press release.

A “report of offense” was given to the vehicles concerned.
The group says it has deflated vehicle tires by inserting a lens into the valve, causing the tire to deflate without permanently damaging it. The collective also left “reports of infraction” to denounce the “driving of a vehicle emitting excess CO2 endangering human, animal and plant life.
“Tank culture is deeply rooted in our society, even as it destroys lives. It is our duty to fight back,” explains the press release, which is unsigned. On its Facebook page, the Climate Rage group is described as an anti-capitalist and environmentalist coalition.