“ACT III”, Simon Leoza | The duty

There is undeniably something grandiose, moving and penetrating when listening to Simon Leoza’s latest, ACT III. With this album, the composer, arranger and multi-instrumentalist is proof, if proof were needed, that instrumental music from here – we obviously think of Jean-Michel Blais, Flore Laurentienne or even Alexandra Stréliski – has beautiful days ahead of her. ACT III is thus located somewhere on the road of indie-classical, pop and electronic music punctuated by sometimes contemplative, sometimes explosive, but always enigmatic orchestrations. What is given to us to hear is also highly sensual, since the melodies and sounds are so exhilarating that they summon hearing as well as sight and touch: what emerges from the record becomes palpable, as with percussion for III:XIII, adoredand also produces in us very clear, almost cinematographic images, with for example pieces like *astronomy* And _terra_firma_.




Simon Leoza, Rosemarie Record

To watch on video

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