Act for sustainable mobility, favorable to employment, health and the environment

In Mayenne, a so-called rural department, we have a strong dependence on cars, which represents 16% of greenhouse gas emissions. The first reason is undoubtedly the journey home to work, which is significant during the week. But this Saturday, the queues of cars that we will meet often concern the areas of department stores for races. The city centers sometimes even seem a little abandoned by these great migrations which one even has the impression that they are spreading out. The arrival of the end of year celebrations will further accentuate the phenomenon as cities begin to adorn themselves with beautiful bright clothes.

At the same time, there is nothing to despair of, the Mayenne people in a recent survey by Mayenne Tourisme, declared more than 90% of the importance for them of visiting large and small towns and of walking. You see, it makes me happy. I thus have the feeling of being in tune with you by contributing to the discovery of our department.

Come on, let’s take action, for this weekend. Let’s walk around town doing a loop. In Mayenne, for example, with the topo-guide La Mayenne notre rivière, on page 57, you can follow an urban route of 3 to 4 km by following the sidewalks of small streets, just for you because often little frequented by cars, go from alleys to alleys, cross parks and frequent passages that do not appear to lead nowhere and which are often the backs of the rich monumental heritage of the city or the former workers’ settlements.

Walking in town means 0% greenhouse gas. It improves the health capital and makes the whole family in a good mood!

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