Acquisition of a residence in New York | Canadian consul answers questions from MPs

(Ottawa) Canada’s consul general in New York will answer questions from MPs on Thursday about Ottawa’s acquisition of its new official residence in the American metropolis.

Former CTV reporter Tom Clark answers questions via video conference from members of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates, which is examining the federal government’s decision to buy a $9 million executive apartment in downtown Manhattan.

Conservative members of the committee called the purchase of the “luxury” apartment a “waste” of public funds.

They believe the acquisition demonstrates once again that the Liberals are out of touch with the financial difficulties of ordinary Canadians.

At previous Commons committee meetings, senior government officials have stressed that the land acquisition was made because the former consular residence in New York needed renovation work that would have cost millions of dollars.

Global Affairs Canada has put the apartment up for sale for $13 million.

Officials also told committee members that Consul Clark had nothing to do with the decision to purchase the new official residence.

Committee members had tried to get Mr. Clark to testify last month, but the consul was unavailable.

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