acquired immunity “allows the population to be protected” but a 4th dose “not ruled out”, indicates Professor Bruno Mégarbane

Faced with the still high daily figures of contamniations, the infectiologist estimated, on franceinfo, that vaccination, infections and reinfections “allow us to live with the virus”.

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We don’t rule out until the start of the school year“, in September, “it is necessary to redo a 4th dose for the entire population, but we will see at that time according to the variants which will circulate“, said Professor Bruno Mégarbane this Sunday on franceinfo, regarding the Covid-19 epidemic. “But, at the moment, there is no variant that clearly wins in terms of ability to spread and virulence.“, he nuanced.

>> Covid-19 figures: deaths, hospitalizations, vaccines… Follow the evolution of the epidemic in France and around the world

All the new variants and sub-variants are very similar to the generation before and, in fact, the immunity that we have acquired and that we maintain thanks to these reinfections make it possible to protect the population against the severe forms of the disease.“, noted Bruno Mégarbane. “This is the famous collective immunity, it is a protective immunity against serious forms of the disease but unfortunately not against contamination“, recalled the professor, thus justifying the number of positive cases on a daily basis.

For Bruno Mégarbane, vaccination, infections and reinfections “allow you to live with the virus“and, according to him, the Covid-19,”as predicted“, “should very gradually move towards a virus of colds“.

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