accused of producing fuel for Russian warplanes, TotalEnergies sells its stake in a gas field

TotalEnergies denied the destination of these fuels, and ensures that the steps concerning this gas field had started several weeks ago.

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Under fire from critics, TotalEnergies withdraws from a gas field in Russia. The French oil company announced on Friday August 26 that it had reached an agreement with its Russian partner Novatek to sell it its 49% stake in the company Terneftegaz, which operates the Termokarstovoye gas field in Russia.

This is the gas field questioned by the newspaper The world, which is based on several documents and an investigation by the NGO Global Witness. This Russian gas field is accused of having supplied gas condensate to a Russian refinery, which made it into kerosene, which would then have been shipped to supply Russian planes engaged in the conflict in Ukraine.

TotalEnergies has denied the destination of these fuels. On Friday morning, the group published elements from Novatek assuring that the kerosene is “exclusively exported outside of Russia“.

The group also ensures that the steps to sell this joint venture had begun several weeks ago. The transaction, approved by the Russian authorities on August 25, was made “under economic conditions allowing TotalEnergies to recover the amounts invested in this field“, indicates the press release, which does not give figures. Novatek (which TotalEnergies also owns 19.4%), confirmed that it now holds 100% of this field. The oil giant adds that this sale falls within its “principles of action“set in March for its activities in connection with Russia.

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