Accused of harassment in her office, Secretary of State Nathalie Elimas is the subject of an administrative investigation

The Ministry of National Education confirms an ongoing investigation “on the functioning of human resources” of the cabinet of the sSecretary of State in charge of Priority Education.

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Secretary of State Nathalie Elimas, in charge of Priority Education, is the subject of an administrative investigation, announced the Ministry of National Education, Saturday January 15, questioned by AFP on accusations of harassment and mistreatment at the within his office. Five sources told AFP that Nathalie Elimas was the subject of an administrative investigation when she is accused of having harassed collaborators. Asked, the ministry “confirms that there is indeed an administrative investigation” In progress “on the human resources functioning of Mrs. [Nathalie] Elimas”.

“There is no fixed date, at this stage, for the submission of the report”, said the ministry, even if four of the five sources indicated that most of the hearings were done and that the delivery of the report would be imminent. Asked by AFP, the secretary of state, who entered the government in July 2020 and aged 48, did not wish to comment on this investigation, referring to her entourage.

“The Ministry has asked the General Inspectorate for Education, Sport and Research (IGESR) to carry out an internal inspection within the office of the Secretary of State, in order to shed light on any difficulties related labor relations within the firm”, confirmed the office of the Secretary of State. “This inspection began at the beginning of January and the conclusions must be made in the coming weeks”..

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