accused of discrimination by a former candidate, the production apologizes!

Nothing went as planned for this candidate of the “Twelve noon shots”… While she had been selected by the production to challenge the reigning champion Stéphane, Fanny Fradin indeed found herself faced with a dilemma when ‘she showed up on the set of the game show with her brother Jeremy, a man with a motor disability.

The reason ? The latter was denied public access for security reasons. A real heartbreak for the candidate who absolutely did not want to consider the absence of her brother in the public: “The whole family has been watching the show almost every day for years. I applied several times to be able to take Jérémy there and show him what it’s like on a TV set.”then confided the candidate to our colleagues from The voice of the North, Wednesday, December 21.

Neither one nor two, Fanny and her brother then tried to negotiate with team members, explaining in particular that Jeremy was able to walk. “They came across a person who didn’t want to hear anything when they told him that Jérémy was able to walk and that my husband, a firefighter, could be there in case of an emergency”then commented Franckie, the mother of Fanny and Jérémy.

If Fanny’s brother was still able to attend the show, the latter finally had to do without his chair and settle in the audience: “It’s really not a show where we would have thought to live that, it advocates a tolerance that we have not seen”, concluded the candidate.

Statements to which the production has already reacted. Indeed, the teams of the show hosted by Jean-Luc Reichmann apologized to the girl assuring that the set was going to be modified to accommodate people in wheelchairs.

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