Accusations of anti-Semitism in the Assembly, back-to-school bonus … Jean-Philippe Tanguy’s 8:30 franceinfo

The deputy Rassemblement national de la Somme was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo” on Wednesday August 3.

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Jean-Philippe Tanguy, deputy Rassemblement national de la Somme was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo” on Wednesday August 3. He answered questions from Jean-François Achilli and Céline Asselot.

Anti-Semitism: “the RN has nothing to be ashamed of”

“Monsieur Dupond-Moretti is agitated on stories that are 40 years old or that are of the order of fantasy”, says Jean-Philippe Tanguy this Wednesday on franceinfo. He reacted to the accusations of the Keeper of the Seals who notably recalled, before the National Assembly, certain anti-Semitic remarks made in the past by the founder of the National Front Jean-Marie Le Pen.

By making such accusations, Eric Dupond-Moretti “does not fight the anti-Semitism which unfortunately strikes more and more strongly our compatriots of the Jewish faith”, pointed to the RN deputy from the Somme. “The National Rally and Marine Le Pen have absolutely nothing to reproach themselves for in this area”, assures Jean-Philippe Tanguy, who insists that the page has been turned by his party: “When are we going to stop recalling facts that are 40 years old?, he asks. I am 36 years old, they are older than me.”

Replacement of the back-to-school bonus in the Senate: “an unfair choice”

“It’s a choice that I don’t understand and which in my opinion is unfair”, reacted the deputy of the Somme, while the Senate with a right-wing majority voted on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday an amendment to replace the exceptional back-to-school bonus of 100 euros, reserved for social minima, by an increase of 150 euros to beneficiaries of the activity bonus. “It’s a display of LR trying to wash more white than white on tax and social issues”, he estimated.

Find the full interview.

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