Accusations against India | No “discord” between Canada and the United States, says the White House

(Washington) There is no “discord” between the United States and Canada over India, a spokesperson for Joe Biden assured Thursday, in reference to accusations made by Ottawa against New Delhi.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sparked a major diplomatic crisis by suggesting that Indian authorities were involved in the assassination last June in Canada of a Sikh leader who was also a Canadian citizen.

“I have seen attempts in the press to sow discord between the United States and Canada on this issue,” said Jake Sullivan, White House national security adviser.

“I firmly reject the idea that there is discord between the United States and Canada,” he added during an exchange with the press, repeating that Washington was “deeply concerned” by the accusations made by Ottawa.

THE Washington Post affirmed, in an article which was subsequently corrected, that Canada had unsuccessfully asked its allies and in particular the United States to publicly condemn the assassination of the Sikh leader, pointing out the responsibility of New Delhi.

The matter is delicate for the United States, a neighboring state and historic ally of Canada, but which has undertaken, under the leadership of President Joe Biden, to forcefully move closer to the Indian government led by Narendra Modi.

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