According to Washington | Grain exports from Ukraine almost at pre-war level

(Washington) Ukraine is on track to export nearly as much grain in August as it did before the Russian invasion, according to figures reported Tuesday by a senior US official.

Posted at 5:17 p.m.

“Thanks to intense international cooperation, Ukraine is on track to export almost 4 million tons of agricultural products in August,” the senior State Department official told AFP.

This figure is to be compared to some 5 million tonnes exported every month by Ukraine before the Russian invasion of February 24, which had put a brake and then a halt to its agricultural exports.

With Ukraine being one of the world’s leading grain producers and exporters, the war has heightened fears of a global food crisis.

But since the July 22 signing of an agreement by Kyiv and Moscow under the aegis of the UN and Turkey, some 33 ships loaded with grain have left Ukrainian Black Sea ports, with some 720,000 tonnes on board, according to the same source.

Another initiative under the aegis of the European Union has also enabled the transport by road or rail of some 2.5 to 3 million tonnes of cereals, the official added.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently promised to “intensify” Ukrainian grain exports before the onset of winter, as these are crucial for the food supply of many African countries.

“There is no solution to the global food crisis without ensuring full global access to Ukrainian food products and Russian food and fertilizers,” Guterres stressed.

A similar agreement guarantees Moscow the export of its agricultural products and fertilizers.

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