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Was Fabien Roussel paid for a parliamentary attaché position for a deputy, when he worked only for the Communist Party? He would have received 180,000 euros in this respect between 2009 and 2014, according to a Mediapart survey. The communist candidate denies these accusations Monday, February 21.
Did Fabien Roussel really fulfill his duties as parliamentary attaché between 2009 and 2014? According to a Mediapart investigation, it was for the Communist Federation of the North that he worked, and not for the deputy Jean-Jacques Candelier, who paid him 2,400 euros per month from funds from the National Assembly.
The communist candidate did not provide material proof of his functions as a parliamentary attaché. Fabien Roussel defended himself from these accusations, claiming to have worked for Jean-Jacques Candelier. However, on the website of Jean-Jacques Candelier in February 2010, he does not appear in the team of assistants. At that time, Fabien Roussel was also president of the Communist Federation of the North. A militant activity that he should have exercised only in his free time, but no control is operated within the National Assembly.