accommodation providers in the Drôme call on food aid associations

Ouahiba Amara, the president of the Secours populaire de Montélimar, gradually saw arriving at these homes hosting Ukrainian refugees. “From March 31, we had about ten families, from Savasse, from Montboucher-sur-Jabron, from La Bâtie-Rolland…” 34 host families now call on its Montilienne branch, i.e. 70 more people to feed. A sudden 10% increase in the number of beneficiaries for the Secours populaire de Montélimar.

Ditto in Valencia, but to a lesser extent, with six families now in need. “They came because they can no longer keep their budget” says Nadine Vallier, head of the Valence branch, _“a person who hosts a whole family has quadrupled his food budget_…and she’s not helped!”.

There is no financial aid given to hosts to take care of Ukrainians – Bernard Deuil, in charge of communication at Secours populaire drômois

“We’re here to help people in difficult situations. Except that we don’t just have Ukrainians to help! We can’t ignore the other beneficiaries” recalls Bernard Deuil, in charge of communication at the Secours populaire in the Drôme.

Yes, food aid associations are solicited

The president of Protestant diaconate responsible for organizing the reception of Ukrainian refugees in Drôme, Jean-Jacques Bosc, explains that he calls on associations on a temporary basis. “By the time families submit their applications and then be entitled to asylum seekers’ allowance, it can actually take some time, a month or even more. That’s why during all this waiting time, for a whole bunch of families, we make food parcels in connection with the Food Bank”. 200 people benefit from it.

Refugees in need – and the hosts, through them – are also referred to the Restos du Cœur. He explains that his workforce is not large enough to ensure food distribution throughout the department.

As for the difficulties that could arise, pointed out by the Secours populaire drôme, Jean-Jacques Bosc says he has not heard of it. “Certainly, we were appointed by the Prefect of Drôme to coordinate the reception and accommodation of families displaced from Ukraine. But at the same time, we do not have a monopoly on this reception. We know that families are welcomed either by lambdas, or by collectives, or by associations. We are at the disposal of these structures. But if ever we are not informed, we will not know the problems”.

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