Accelerated learning | The Journal of Montreal

FLORHAM PARK, New Jersey | For many years, Laurent Duvernay-Tardif has been used to having his nose plunged into books. Rarely has the study been as intensive as since he joined the New York Jets, with a condensed learning that will allow him to experience a first game with his new team, Sunday against the Buffalo Bills.

“It’s crazy how fast things have been, but ever since I got here I’ve been cutting out all the distractions and digging into the playbook. It had been a long time since I had dreamed of football at night! »Said Laurent Duvernay-Tardif, during an interview with The newspaper at the Jets training complex in New Jersey.

“That’s really what obsesses me, so I live in a hotel room and my suitcases aren’t even unpacked yet. I have been wearing the same t-shirt since Monday. It drives quite well! Breathed the offensive lineman, exploding with laughter.

A new language

Study blitzes, the “Doc” has seen others. Except since he was traded from the Chiefs to the Jets on November 2, his life has been on fire.

At 3 p.m. he agreed to lift his no-trade clause and at 6 p.m. he jumped on a plane to his new home.

Since then, meetings have accumulated with the assistant coach of the offensive line of the Jets to assimilate all the subtleties of the game system.

“People less familiar with football may not realize it, but to understand each other optimally on the line of scrimmage, to fully grasp the games, all the concepts and the changes to the line of scrimmage, it takes time. time. I worked hard upstream of the practices. As a lineman, you must know everything about all possible situations, ”summarized the one who now wears the number 72.

This week, Duvernay-Tardif tasted his first three training sessions. If he is the first to admit that his practice on Wednesday was “painful”, the two that followed reassured him.

“Thursday I felt a big improvement. Today [vendredi], I really demonstrated a better understanding of the playbook and it’s going in the right direction, ”he said.

With the starters

It should be noted that during the week, the Quebecer obtained rehearsals with the starters and with the second unit. He was also prepared as both a right and left guard.

“If I have to play quickly, I’ll be functional, although it won’t be perfect. It’s a good thing to be at home for the communication on the line. I would be able to play straight away, ”he said.

To date, the Jets show a record of two wins and six losses. They live in the last row of their division and many could imagine a gloomy atmosphere in the locker room.

By getting to know his new teammates and coaches, it’s just the opposite that Duvernay-Tardif says he saw, to the point where links were quickly forged.

Rapid acclimatization

“I came in with a veteran mindset talking to everyone, no matter the position. The acclimatization happened so quickly that it surprised me.

“In Kansas City, with my English which was not perfect, the fact that I am Canadian and that I did not know anything about the culture of an NFL locker room, my integration had been long when I started. Here, everything was done quickly and for me it was important. I didn’t want it to be heavy. “

Unlike the end of his stay in Kansas City where the guard felt he was no longer part of the plans, he again sees a real opportunity to break through.

“I had great good feedback coaches. Since the exchange, I feel wanted here and it was just confirmed this week. I came here to play, so we’ll see if I can gain the coaches’ confidence. ”

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