Abusive and possessive Adil Rami? What he forbade his new darling Léna

Adil Rami and Léna Guillou are on cloud nine. And for good reason, for a while the two stars seem to be spinning the perfect love. Unsurprisingly, this new relationship greatly intrigues their subscribers. On social networks, the lovebirds have decided to play their card on the table. Via a series of questions / answers, the duo has – recently – delivered in all sincerity to its followers.

If Adil Rami flourishes in football, his companion has several times illustrated in reality TV shows. As a reminder, the influencer participated in the Marseilles in Dubai and the Princes and Princesses of Love. But obviously, the athlete would like the latter to turn the page on this subject. A subscriber also asked Adil Rami if he was ready for his other half to film in a brand new program.

“Not Reality TV”

“Oh no ! What for ?”, wondered the happy father of two children. An answer which had the merit of disconcerting Léna Guillou. “But if you want to do things that will bring you and that will take you higher yes, but not reality TV”, added Adil Rami. Does the ball star want to protect his couple from scandals? It seems like.

Impossible to forget his ultra-publicized love affair with Pamela Anderson. Unfortunately, the fairy tale quickly turned sour. In 2019, the actress took to her social networks to denounce the violence and abuse that Adil Rami allegedly subjected her to. According to her statements, the ex-acolyte of Kylian Mbappé would have manipulated, hit and deceived her with her ex Sidonie Biémont.

For his part, Adil Rami has always claimed his innocence. “I know what she wanted to do by accusing me of that. When someone speaks first on social media, it feels like their word is trusted.” he analyzed in the columns of the Figaro and to emphasize: “She never filed a complaint because none of this happened.”


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