Abuse in nursing homes, question of purchasing power, crisis in Ukraine … The informed of franceinfo Tuesday, January 25

Around Jean-François Achilli, the informed discuss the news of Tuesday, January 25.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Around Jean-François Achilli, the informed discuss the news of Tuesday, January 25.

The themes :

– Abuse in nursing homes in France: din his book The Gravediggers, journalist Victor Castanet accuses the Orpeéa group of rationing care and meals to increase profitability. Olivier Véran is considering an investigation by the general inspectorate.

– Soaring fuel prices, the government reacts: Jean Castex announces a 10% increase in the mileage allowance scale. Extra help, but it won’t benefit everyone.

– Crisis in Ukraine: Emmanuel Macron warned Moscow in a press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz: “If there were to be an assault [de la Russie]the response will be there and the cost will be very high”he warned.

The informed:

– Audrey Goutard journalist, head of the investigation and reporting department at France Télévisions.

– Albert Zennou editor-in-chief of the political service of the Figaro.

– Jean-Emmanuel Ducoinot, editor, columnist and columnist at Humanity.

– Gaspard Gantzer, president of Gantzer Agency, teacher at SciencesPo.

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