abstention in the second round will reach 28.2%, up 2.8 points compared to 2017, according to our Ipsos-Sopra Steria estimate

Five years ago, the second round of the presidential election, which already opposed Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, saw 25.44% of voters abstain.

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What proportion of voters shunned the ballot box on Sunday, April 24? Abstention will be around 28.2% in the second round of the presidential election, according to a first Ipsos-Sopra Steria estimate for France Télévisions, Radio France, France 24, parliamentary channels and The Parisian. It’s 1.7 point more than in the first round (26.31%), two weeks ago.

>> Presidential results 2022: Emmanuel Macron or Marine Le Pen? Follow the evening of the second round and the first estimates from 8 p.m.

Five years ago, the second round of the election, which already opposed Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, saw 25.44% of voters abstain. The abstention record for a second round of the presidential election dates back to 1969, when 31.15% of people did not go to the polls during Georges Pompidou’s victory against Alain Poher. The 2022 rate ranks, according to our estimate, in second place.

If this rate of abstention is high, the presidential election mobilizes more than the other polls. In 2021, in a context of health crisis, the second round of regional elections saw abstention reach 65.31%, or nearly two out of three voters.

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