Absorbed by video games, a couple let their 19-month-old baby die in his crib

The facts date back to December 2017. At the time, 19-month-old Kiera was found dead in her crib. If the police were initially unable to determine the circumstances of his death, new elements quickly came to shed light on the situation. Kirsty Boyle, the child’s mother, told the police that she had spent the whole night playing video games with her boyfriend. Together, they had chained the parties before going to bed around 6:30 am, according to Glasgow Live. ” We were both exhausted. We had an all-nighter. It’s a bad habit… “said the young woman at the time of the tragedy.

It was not until the next day, in the late afternoon, that the toddler’s mother had made the decision to go see her daughter when she was planning to go out. The day before, the latter had given chicken nuggets and pasta to the child before leaving him for more than 21 hours without food. A doctor present at the scene after Kiera’s death has shed light on the deplorable state of the family home. Many bags of garbage were strewn on the ground and a phenomenal amount of beers and other dirty diapers were lying around the four corners of the apartment. For him, all these elements constituted a “ choking hazard “, but also a bacterial infection.

Today in the face of justice, Michael Conroy must answer for his actions. During his trial, the girl’s father admitted to deliberately abusing, neglecting and endangering his child. Furthermore, the court said he failed to provide Kiera with proper nutrition and a suitable environment. The 27-year-old was sentenced to 14 months in prison. Kirsty Boyle, meanwhile, was found not guilty.

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