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44% of employees were absent from work for at least one day last year according to a study by the insurer AXA. A figure that continues to increase, which affects all sectors, but is progressing particularly among young people.
Empty chairs and missing employees, never have French companies faced so much downtimes-diseases. At least one day for 44% of employees in 2022. In the offices of this supplier comparator energy, one out of two employees is absent that day. Absences are part of everyday life here, with 18% of empty chairs this month in this call center, a figure that has been rising steadily for three years. This is explained by a problem of state of mind for the boss. “The Covid played in the change of mentalities, and a detachment from the responsibility of each one”deploree ATuriyear de Maupeou, co-founder ofe Selectra.
Increase in the number of sick leave among those under 30
The increase in absenteeism affects all sectors, but it explodes among young people, with +55% stoppage–disease among people under 30 compared to 2019. The Covid changed the corporate world and brought to light many workplace issues. “From now on, since 2022, it is psychological disorders that are the primary nature of work stoppages”, explains Diana Milleron-DeperroisCEO of AXA Santé.