absent from TPMP, Kelly Vedovelli speaks on Instagram

In recent weeks, Kelly Vedovelli has been absent on several occasions from don’t touch my poste. What cause the concern of the viewers. However, it always came back strong. More fit than ever the beautiful blonde knew how to turn Internet users around by offering a hell of a dance to Cyril Hanouna.

It would also seem that on the heart side, Kelly Vedovelli has encountered some tension with her boyfriend. At least, that’s what Baba wondered when discovering his columnist’s new hair look. Only here, the beautiful blonde does not seem to have cracked for this reason there. However, this short square suits her like a glove.

Last week, Kelly Vedovelli spoke about her reluctance to participate in a program like Married at first sight or What if we meet. That said, she understood the people involved.

This Tuesday, May 24, the one who has had the ring on her finger for four years pushed a rant towards the male sex present on social networks and explained why. “I absolutely have to express myself, it makes me phew all these guys who give advice on male-female relationships (…) it’s unbearable guys you know nothing about it but nothing at all.. .this psychology of counter there… You are really unbearable” she blurted out at first.

Before continuing:You’re there to scam girls who are in depression, in distress. Frankly, you’re not ashamed, it’s unbearable (…) I don’t mind there being one whose domain it is. He’s the guy to follow etc. We can have a masculine look at the thing (…) you are about twenty to do the same thing (…) it is unbearable to scam people to take themselves for great gurus (…) it there are no rules (…) what a nightmare, I see your faces every day giving your advice to two bullets frankly guys change your register”. At least that has the merit of being clear!


See also: Kelly Vedovelli responds to attacks on her physique

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