Absence of female artists | Émile Bilodeau cancels his presence at a Gaspé festival

To denounce the absence of female artists in the programming of the Festi-Plage de Cap-d’Espoir, singer Émile Bilodeau announced on social networks that he was canceling his performance scheduled for July 28.

Posted at 6:20 p.m.

Veronique Larocque

Veronique Larocque
The Press

” I’ve made my decision. I will not go to this festival which invited 14 bands of guys and not a single female project, ”said Émile Bilodeau in an Instagram story published on Monday.

“How do you think the young girls who will attend the Festi-Plage will perceive my industry? Oh it looks cool making music for a living… too bad it’s just for guys,” he continues.

On the Facebook page of the Gaspé festival, the publication of the program has generated many comments deploring the absence of women. “Nice programming… but where are the female artists? writes Jozi Gallant. “Wow! A nice little festival between boys, that ! “, mentions another Internet user, Amélie Gillenn.

“We do not take into account if it is a woman or a man”

In interview with The Press, the president of Festi-Plage, Ghislain Pitre, admits that the organization had not paid particular attention to gender parity when it selected the artists for its 2022 edition. than everyone else that we didn’t have women on the lineup. »

Composed of 12 volunteers, the festival team draws up a list of artists they would like to see in Cap-d’Espoir and then makes calls, explains Ghislain Pitre.

“Not everyone is available. We are still a 12-hour drive from Montreal. It’s not easy,” he recalls, indicating that distance is a major constraint when it comes to programming.

For the 2022 edition, “we chatted with female artists. We got information from Brigitte Boisjoli, Marie-Mai and Roxane Bruneau… But we don’t take into account whether it’s a woman or a man. We are looking for who would go well together and who is available, ”continues the president of Festi-Plage.

Ghislain Pitre also points out that well-known female artists will participate in the PA Méthot show, scheduled for Saturday July 30. However, their names do not appear on the festival poster.

Bet on succession?

On social networks, some comments invited the organization to turn to the next generation to present more female artists. However, the Festi-Plage prefers to bet on headliners to ensure that the four evenings that the event lasts are profitable.

“We have two big shows per evening. We want to have something that strikes. It’s boring to say, but the next generation, we have no room for that, laments the president. It’s flat, it’s really flat. If we had a terrace or a small bar, yes, we could bring the next generation there. We would do a little happy hour to start the evening. It would be trippy, but there, we don’t have that. »

Ghislain Pitre believes that if the festival imposes too many constraints on the choice of artists, it will not survive. “We won’t be here anymore,” he thinks.

One thing is certain: next year, the team will make sure to have female artists in its programming, promises the president of the Festi-Plage.

Until then, Ghislain Pitre indicates that the organization is still in discussion with Émile Bilodeau regarding its participation in the festival. A press release will be released on Wednesday. The Festi-Plage hopes for a “happy ending”.

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