About thirty supporters at Mérignac airport to encourage the players before their departure

A final boost before the semi-final of the Top 14. The players of Union Bordeaux Bègles were welcomed by around thirty supporters at Mérignac airport on Thursday June 16 around 1 p.m. Flags in hand, shirts on their shoulders, the supporters gave voice.

Elodie, president of the Burdigalais supporters group, launched an appeal on social networks: “I got the info thanks to the club and I found it important to show that we are there, as we will try to be there at back. The adrenaline starts to rise…”

The supporter will not be able to travel to Nice on Saturday evening. Like many, the difficulty and the cost of the journey prevent him from doing so.

Lucu: “It shows that a big challenge awaits us”

A moment appreciated by the men of Christophe Urios, who stopped to greet those present. A few selfies, thanks, Maxime Lucu greeted all the supporters: “It shows that a big challenge awaits us, assures the scrum half. We saw the importance of the supporters on Sunday against Racing. It’s a pleasure, before to leave, to feel that support.”

The players’ plane landed around 4 p.m. at Nice airport. As for the match, see you on Saturday June 18 at 9:05 p.m. It will be broadcast live on France Bleu Gironde.

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