about thirty personalities support the global climate strike on March 25

Young people will take to the streets again to demand more action against global warming. On the initiative of the Fridays for Future movement of the Swedish Greta Thunberg, a new global day of youth action for the climate is organized on Friday March 25 around the world. The opportunity for 31 personalities, including director Cyril Dion, actress Lucie Lucas, former minister Aurélie Filippetti or researcher Wolfgang Cramer to express their support for this movement. “We hear and share the anguish of youth. This anguish is legitimate, and above all, this anguish must lead to action”, they write. They express themselves here freely.

Each generation has its battle. Here is yours.

The climate crisis is a crucial issue that requires radical measures, which is why the youth, in a globally coordinated movement, chose to strike on Friday March 25. This strike is a powerful act and a strong symbolic tool that allows him to translate his concerns, fears and expectations into action and not just through fine speeches.

Going on strike is not skipping school. Going on strike, when you are 10, 15 or 20 years old, is to denounce the profound incoherence that governs our world: the school system prepares our children for their future, when the financial, industrial and geopolitical systems strive meticulously to ensure it. the destruction. Isn’t there gross hypocrisy in this two-sided talk? Between empty promises and lies of sustainability, young people are demanding accountability from leaders.

For years, societies have developed recklessly, believing in a model of infinite consumption and production. However, today we are facing the wall.

“Every day, species disappear. Every day, forests recede. Every day, people see their homes engulfed by rising waters.”

The signatories of the tribune

on franceinfo.fr

The climate crisis is no longer a hypothesis, but a threatening reality: we can read in the second part of the sixth IPCC report released almost three weeks ago that at least 3.3 billion people live in very vulnerable environments. to climate change.

While scientists have been calling for an awakening of consciences since the 1970s, from generation to generation, it seems that humanity has chosen to turn a blind eye. Now we need to wake up from this sweet dream of growth and abundance.

“It is time to listen to the cries of warning from scientists and those of the youth who have recently joined them with Greta Thunberg as their spokesperson. Those who are trying to pull humanity out of its suicidal somnambulism.”

The signatories of the tribune

on franceinfo.fr

Because it is animal, plant and human life that is in question. The young people, well aware of the precariousness of the situation, struggle day after day to remind us of this. Deprived of their childhood, they inherit a responsibility hitherto denied. Deprived of their carelessness, they find themselves forced to take to the streets, skip class and shout into megaphones.

Faced with the agonizing prospect of an uncertain future, young people loudly denounce the passivity and denial in which current and past leaders have taken refuge.

“Also, we affirm it through this forum: we hear and share the anguish of youth. This anguish is legitimate, and above all, this anguish must push to action.”

The signatories of the tribune

on franceinfo.fr

Today, climate change is a reality and fighting it must be our priority. Together, let’s choose the right fight. Our fight, against deforestation, against pollution and mass extinction, is a universal fight. In the face of devastating wars, which ravage, divide and bruise, let us unite and work together to build a better future. We refuse the vision of a punitive ecology but claim a collective and pacifist commitment.

“We only have one planet, rather than destroying it, let’s try to preserve it.”

The signatories of the tribune

on franceinfo.fr

In a world disrupted by the war in Ukraine, our future hangs on the guns at the European border, and as our dependence on fossil fuels is called into question, it is high time to implement the major transformations needed. to ensure a sustainable world. A world without fossil fuels and at peace.

We salute this young people who are committed and we are mobilizing alongside them: young people are not alone in carrying out this fight. It concerns us all and we will be at their side on Friday to support their fights for climate justice.

The panel signatories:

Wolfgang Cramer, research director at the CNRS and member of the IPCC
Léa Filoche, Deputy Mayor of Paris
Alice Timsit, Councilor of Paris
Lucie Lucas, actress
Agnès Catoire, member of the Citizen’s Climate Convention
Paula Forteza, Green MP
Cyril Dion, author, director, poet, environmental activist
Chloé Sagaspe, Councilor of Paris
Alice Barbe, entrepreneur and founder of the Academy of Future Leaders
Karima Delli, MEP
Hugo Viel, activist
Nicolas Dubois, photographer
Tim Dup, singer and songwriter
François Flahault, emeritus research director at the CNRS
Alain Mestre, member of the support group for the Citizens’ Climate Convention
Dorothée Browaeys, journalist
Taha Bouhaafs, committed journalist
Alain Coulombel, spokesperson for Europe Ecologie-Les Verts
Michèle Leclerc-Olive, researcher
Jennifer de Temmerman, MP for the North and author of a report presenting climate inaction as an attack on children’s rights
Gauvain Sers, singer
Jean-Luc Bennahmias, politician
Johan Reboul, environmental influencer
Paloma Moritz, ecology journalist for Blast media
Patrick Viveret, philosopher and honorary magistrate
Emily Loizeau, singer
Roxane Lundy, politician
Annie Lahmer, regional environmental councilor and feminist activist
Roberto Roméro, regional councilor for Ile-de-France
Pierre Larrouturou, MEP
Aurélie Filippetti, professor, author and former Minister of Culture

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