about fifty professors mobilized before the Academic Department against the drop in resources

They want to be heard. About fifty teachers met in front of the DSDEN, the direction of the departmental services of National Education, rue Giraudeau in Tours, this Wednesday, March 9. Representing a dozen different colleges and high schools, they are mobilizing against the loss of teaching hours and posts scheduled for next fall. According to the unions, 37 positions would thus be eliminated: 20 in colleges and 17 in high schools.

A collective mobilization to exert more pressure

Several establishments have already mobilized in recent weeks, in particular at the Grandmont high school in Tours, or at the Stalingrad priority education colleges in Saint-Pierre-des-Corps and L’Arche du Lude in Joué-lès-Tours. This is also the case at Beaulieu College in Joué-lès-Tours, where teachers, parents and students have blocked the premises. After four days of blocking, they had managed to recover 15 hours out of the 36 deleted.

But this time, the establishments decided to pressure togethersupported by the inter-union (FO, CGT, FSU, SUD and FCPE). “The academy inspector received a certain number of establishments, but always one by one. It’s a way of dividing and conquering better. Here, it’s important that the mobilized colleagues can find themselves together to express this what they have to say“, explains Anne Grandet, delegate to the SNES-FSU and teacher at the Paul-Louis Courier high school in Tours.

It’s a way of showing unity, of showing that we are really concerned – Anne Grandet, professor at SNES-FSU

“It’s a way of showing the union, of showing that we are really concerned about this situation which complicates working conditions. And then, we think of the students. We regret that there is no policy voluntarist to maintain means, in particular for the most disadvantaged pupils”she adds.

Negotiations are continuing with the Academic Department, while waiting for the school map to be definitively fixed next June.

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