About CPEs and “asylum seekers”, Simon Jolin-Barrette is right

Simon Jolin-Barrette has decided to bring before the Supreme Court a fundamental question.

I summarize it as follows: are “asylum seekers” entitled to access subsidized childcare?

The Quebec government said no. The Court of Appeal decided otherwise.


The government of judges has struck again. Democracy bows to the despotism of judges who replace the legislator. Some intellectual fraudsters present the government of judges as the completion of the democratic ideal.

It’s the contrary.

  • Listen to the interview with Maxime Laporte, president of the Mouvement Québec français, via QUB:

It actually represents a religious government which does not say its name. Charters of rights are presented as texts of divine, indisputable rights. The judges are the high priests who interpret them. As for us, poor mortals, we must submit to it.

Another issue: today we see that massive immigration is destabilizing social systems. We see it with schools, with the health system, with shelters for the disadvantaged.

The question of CPE cannot be avoided. Like any social policy, it was first put in place for the citizens of a country, who have the right to it.

By definition, someone who is a citizen of a country has rights that someone who is not does not have. This is obvious. But the government of judges sees this elementary distinction as reprehensible discrimination.


Concretely, while our system is already struggling to provide places to our fellow citizens, it will have to provide them to those who are not. Our fellow citizens who will be deprived of a place in CPE for this are the victims of a real injustice.

The poorly managed welfare state functions like a suction pump accelerating migratory flows.

It is urgent to defend the basic conditions of Quebec solidarity. The judges, for the moment, are sabotaging it.

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