about 2,000 cars, motorcycles and old vehicles paraded

From the 1900s to the 70s, Périgueux and Coursac were thoroughly into Vintage this weekend of September 3 and 4 with many car parades and parades in period clothes on the boulevards in Périgueux. Amateurs, enthusiasts and the curious have lent themselves to the game of going back to the past for a few hours. Some like Patricia and Aurélie dress in vintage every day “it’s a way of life” explains Patricia, a Périgourdine enthusiast from the 1940s.

Aurélie and Patricia dress in vintage every day. © Radio France
Charlotte Jousserand

About 2,000 vehicles present

According the organizer, Jean-François Videau, it is impossible to quantify attendance for these two days of events in Périgueux and Coursac. He estimates that there were more people than in 2019, date of the last edition before the health crisis. What is certain is that around 2,000 vehicles (cars, motorcycles, trucks) took part in the event.

Old vehicles were exhibited in the Tourny car park and some in the streets of the city center
Old vehicles were exhibited in the Tourny car park and some in the streets of the city center © Radio France
Charlotte Jousserand

Jean-François Videau claims to have need more volunteers for the next edition next year. “We were 70, 30 in Périgueux, 40 in Coursac, we need 30 more” he explains.

A flea market
A “vintage” flea market was organized this Sunday at Place de la Clautre in Périgueux. © Radio France
Charlotte Jousserand

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