“About 15% of small items are missing,” says CEO Walter Kadnar

Shortage of raw materials, bottlenecks in the logistics chain, skyrocketing shipping prices … Like other large brands, Ikea is facing a supply problem: “About 15% of small items are missing, and 5% on the furniture part”, estimates Walter Kadnar, CEO of Ikea France, eco guest of franceinfo Thursday, October 14. “It’s been a few months since the world has experienced a period of scarcity that we had never experienced before. It’s a problem for everyone, including Ikea”, he continues, assuring that “the teams are there to provide fallback solutions.”

“In the storage category, in principle there are five colors. Here, we focus on two colors.”

Walter Kadnar, CEO of Ikea France

to franceinfo

Ikea pays more for its supplies, but his boss assures us that he will not increase the prices on the shelves: “Ikea works for the long term. We want to offer something sustainable and affordable.” He undertakes to stay “accessible.”

Over a year, the number one furniture company saw its sales in France jump 4%, to nearly 3 billion euros, despite more than four months of closure. The French spent more time at home and bought more furniture than usual. This trend will continue, says Walter Kadnar.

“People have a different idea of ​​their home today. Sometimes you have to work, sleep, cook in the same place.”

Walter Kadnar, CEO of IKEA France

to franceinfo

Ikea, whose online sales represented a third of turnover over one year, wants to step up its development. In the coming months, he plans to recruit a thousand people in France. He is also going to experiment with a second hand store. “We will start with Paris. We will probably open a place dedicated to this market in the coming year”, concludes Walter Kadnar.

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