Abortion, role of the RN in the Assembly, Ukraine candidate for the EU … Philippe Ballard’s “8h30 franceinfo”

Philippe Ballard, deputy National Rally of Oise, was the guest of “8:30 franceinfo”. Abortion, role of the RN in the Assembly, Ukraine candidate for the EU… He answers questions from Ersin Leibowitch and Myriam Encaoua.

Right to abortion: “The Veil law, we don’t touch it”

“We are sovereignists, so we are not going to meddle in the affairs of others”evades the spokesman of the National Rally Philippe Ballard, questioned about the revocation of the right to abortion by the Supreme Court of the United States, Friday. “The Veil Law [consacrant ce droit en France]we don’t touch it”, promises the deputy from Oise, who nevertheless recalls that his party has “voted against” extension of the period from 12 to 14 weeks. “This is our position”he adds.

National Assembly: “we hope that Macron will finally listen”

While the Republic on the move no longer has an absolute majority in the National Assembly, “we hope that Emmanuel Macron will finally listen to the voice of the French people”launches Philippe Ballard. “We will embody an opposition – Marine Le Pen said it – firm and constructive”.

Ukraine’s candidacy for the EU: “we obviously support the Ukrainian people”

Ukraine’s candidacy for entry into the European Union was validated on Friday at a summit in Brussels but “it will take 10, 15, 20 years before there are changes”, underlines the deputy RN. Philippe Ballard who highlights the unfair economic competition that this membership could generate. “We were put in competition with countries that do not have the same tax, social and environmental rules. It is not possible to fight”he explains.

Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Saturday June 25, 2022:

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