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The right to abortion is under threat in the United States. Journalist Loïc de La Mornais, live from Washington (United States) for the 20 Hours of France 2, Tuesday May 3, describes this “line of fracture” which exists in American society.
Why does the right to abortion divide American society so much? “When we’re reporting here and we’re French or European, we meet a lot of Americans who ask us: ‘In France, how are abortions going?’ And when they are told that this question is settled, that there has been no debate for almost half a century, many Americans are very surprised, even shocked, “ reports journalist Loïc de La Mornais, live from Washington (United States) for the 20 Hours of France 2, Tuesday May 3.
In the United States, abortion is a real “fault line of American society”adds the journalist. “Many feminists and lawyers have recently told us that they dread this moment that we may be experiencing,” continues Loïc de La Mornais. After the election of former US President Donald Trump in 2016, “a lot of evangelical Christians voted for him (…) because they knew he would ensure this anti-abortion agenda”.