This motion for a resolution from the Democratic and Republican Left group, criticized by LR and Horizons deputies, must be proposed next week and discussed on May 4 in the National Assembly.
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The Communist deputies of the Democratic and Republican Left (GDR) group have placed on the agenda of their parliamentary niche a motion for a resolution condemning “Israel’s institutionalization of an apartheid regime”, according to information from franceinfo on Wednesday March 29. This motion for a resolution, which is to be tabled early next week, relates to a “two-state solution” and “condemnation of Israel’s institutionalization of an apartheid regime”. It will be discussed during the parliamentary niche of GDR deputies on May 4.
This text made the parliamentarians of the right and of the Renaissance group react. On Twitter, Eric Ciotti, the president of the party Les Républicains and deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes denounces a “infamous text accusing Israel of practicing an apartheid regime”. “I will fight with all my strength this text of shame”, writes the deputy. Mathieu Lefèvre, Renaissance MP for Val-de-Marne, discovers “with amazement that the group of GDR deputies has just placed on the agenda of the National Assembly its wicked motion for a resolution shamefully assimilating the State of Israel to an apartheid regime”. He assures that the Renaissance group will go there “opposing step by step”.
“These are the new anti-Semites”
Michèle Tabarot, first vice-president of the LR deputies judges this motion for a resolution “despicable and outrageous”. “This outrageous one-upmanship goes against our values. Anti-Zionism and hatred must have no place in the National Assembly,” thunders the deputy. Meyer Habib, LR deputy for French nationals abroad, also condemns the text, writing “These are the new anti-Semites”. “NUPES puts on the agenda its infamous motion for a resolution accusing Israel of Apartheid! The same ones who glorify Palestinian bloody terrorism!”
In July 2022, a motion for a resolution, co-signed by thirty-seven left-wing deputies, had already signed a motion for a resolution condemning the “institutionalized apartheid regime” by Israel against the Palestinians. The Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France had reacted by speaking of “‘anti-Semitism’ under cover of“anti-Zionism”.