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More than one out of two French people dream of owning their own house one day. For hundreds of families in the Aisne, this dream turns into a nightmare while the building sites of their properties were stopped overnight.
Pierre Mennessier must have had the keys to his house for six months. But the site in Frières-Faillouël (Aisne) stopped abruptly, the fault of a bankrupt builder. “We were assured that from the moment of signing, we could have the house a year later. (…) Now, we just hope to be able to have it one day”he testifies. Peter is not the only one. Another customer of the manufacturer is in the same situation. Yet under pressure, she allowed herself to be intimidated and signed the house receipt with Seissigma.
Across France, 420 families are desperately waiting to be able to move into their homes. They have usually already paid for part of the work. At the end of October, Seissigma, a franchise of Maison Pierre, was placed in compulsory liquidation. Due to lack of labor and raw materials, It is impossible to reach the imposed objective of 300 sites per year. “I do not have the capacity to be able to open the sites or, unfortunately, when they open, to issue the guarantees necessary for this job”confides François Desreumaux, director of the company. He and other troubled franchisees are preparing to sue Maison Pierre.