A zero waste Christmas thanks to the advice of SMD3

The Christmas tree

To reduce waste, already, we must think carefully about the purchase of the tree. Several possibilities: either buy a natural tree, a real one, but in this case, it is interesting to see if it will be able to continue its life in the garden after the holidays! If this is not possible, it is not necessarily contraindicated to opt for the artificial tree, as long as it is reused for several years in a row.

For the decoration of the Christmas tree, there is no point in buying new balls and garlands every year as well. In the wild, you can find pine cones or even acorns that you can repaint in gold for example for a festive spirit, and if your old decorations no longer please you, you can do the same instead of throwing them away!


Under the tree, of course, we will find beautiful gifts, but who says “beautiful gift” does not necessarily mean “new”! On the Dordogne, many associations offer, for example, toy swaps, and the reclamation of second-hand toys. You can also find all kinds of gifts in recycling shops, or create them yourself. Listen to Patricia Puyraud, from SMD3, give you some ideas for jars with cooking recipes, for example!

Do not forget also the “experience” gifts: stays, concerts, shows, meals … these are always moments that mark and remain engraved in memories.

If you are giving physical gifts, finally, don’t forget the Furoshiki technique, a method of wrapping gifts with fabrics!

And for the meal?

Patience, patience, the advice of SMD3 is coming in a few days!

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