a young woman found dead on New Year’s Eve, her partner wanted

An investigation into intentional homicide by a spouse was opened by the Nouméa public prosecutor’s office.



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An investigation into intentional homicide by a spouse was opened by the Nouméa public prosecutor's office after the death of a mother, on the night of December 31 to January 1, 2024. (ROMAIN GAUTIER / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

It could be the first femicide of the year 2024. The body of a 29-year-old mother was discovered at dawn in Bourail, in central New Caledonia, and her partner is actively being sought. , announced Monday, January 1, the Nouméa prosecutor to AFP. An investigation into intentional homicide by a spouse was opened and a major search system deployed to try to find the suspect.

The events took place during the night from Sunday to Monday on a rural road in Bourail, according to the prosecution. According to a witness, an argument broke out between the victim and her partner, in a context of heavy drinking. Blows were allegedly exchanged and, according to this same witness cited by the public prosecutor, Yves Dupas, the couple remained sleeping there under the stars.

The man, awakened in the middle of the night, would not have succeeded in waking up his partner, the prosecutor said in a press release. He allegedly went to a family member to whom he confided the situation before returning to the scene and calling the firefighters, then disappearing. On their arrival, the firefighters noted the death of the young woman who bore marks of blows, particularly to the face. She was the mother of three children.

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